Dear Kids,

This blog is especially created for you! I'll post small stories, puzzles, jokes, etc. (mainly old ones, occasionally new ones) for you from time to time. This blog is dedicated to three people: (1) My grandpa - Fondly known to all of us as Appappa - who told me so many lovely stories (2) My cousin and friend (Uncle S for you) - who keeps teaching me lots of things that I can do on the computer. (3) My beloved wife (Aunty P for you) - who likes to hear my grandpa's stories from me. Hope you like this blog - Keep visiting! [If you are not a kid (or a kid at heart!!), use this blog to entertain kids known to you!]

Uncle N

(Pl see the note of caution at the bottom of this page)

August 01, 2007

Miser and the Pot of Gold - Part II

Miser & the pot of Gold - Part II

Dear Kids,

Remember the old story of the miser that you read a few days back?

The miser followed the advice of the Sanyasin, and picked up a big pot, filled it up with stones and buried the pot at the same place near the old wall.

He continued to look at it daily.

After looking at it, he went and hid behind the wall to keep an eye on who comes near the spot.

Lo and behold, the same old workman who stole the gold coins came after a week and started digging the hole to find out the new treasure!

Needless to add, the miser caught hold of him and gave him a good thrashing, following which the poor workman confessed his crime and returned the pot of gold coins ot the miser.

Moral of the story:

  1. Even if you are a thief, don't be greedy
  2. Even if you are a miser, if it is your hard-earned money, it is likely to come back to you
  3. If you are dumb, you lose money - whether you are a rich miser or a poor thief!
  4. Last but not the least, you must neither be a miser nor a thief

Happy reading!

Uncle N

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